Service Levels

Insight uses ITIL best practices for determining the Priority of an Incident.  Priority is a value derived from the intersection of impact and urgency.  Impact is an objective measure of the effect of an incident on the business.  Urgency is a subjective value assigned to the Incident by the business and it represents the speed at which the business expects the Incident to be worked.  Clients can declare the Urgency as High, Medium, or Low; however, Clients cannot declare an Incident to be a Priority 1.  Priority is always derived from Impact and Urgency.  Insight measures Service Levels against the derived Priority value based on the table below.


Impact will be entered in the system using the set of criteria listed below.

Impact – 1 - High

  • Widespread outage or service degradation affecting multiple production locations
  • Loss of customer facing service or directly impacting significant revenue

Impact – 2 - Medium

  • Localized outage or service degradation affecting a single site or customer facing service
  • Loss of redundancy to critical infrastructure

Impact – 3 - Low

  • Isolated outage or service degradation affecting a small number of individuals
  • Loss of redundancy to non-critical infrastructure


Urgency will be entered in the system based on the judgement of Insight and at the direction of the client.  Should an Incident arrive in the system at a lower Urgency than deemed appropriate by the client, this value can be updated to reflect the client’s needs.

Urgency – 1 - High

  • Visibility to customers or users cannot deliver a critical business function
  • High risk of increased impact if not resolved quickly

Urgency – 2 - Medium

  • Productivity hindered but work around available or a user cannot deliver a job function
  • Some risk of increased impact if not resolved

Urgency – 3 - Low

  • Little to no effect on production activities
  • Unlikely to increase in impact until resolved


Priority is a system driven value that is derived from the table below.

  Urgency – 1 Urgency – 2 Urgency – 3
Impact – 1 – High 1 2 3
Impact – 2- Medium 2 3 4
Impact – 3 - Low 3 4 4

If Insight needs to escalate to the Client on Priority 1, then the Client will be working it continually with Insight as Priority 1.   Otherwise, Insight will designate it as a Priority 2

Incident Management Service Level Objectives

Priority Incident response Incident update Incident resolution target (95th percentile)
Priority 1 15 minutes 1 hour 4 hours
Priority 2 1 hours 4 hours 8 hours
Priority 3 4 hours 24 hours 72 Hours
Priority 4 24 hours 72 hours 120 Hours


Impact: The objective measure of the effect of an Incident on the business.

Urgency: The subjective value assigned to the Incident related to time to resolve.

Priority:  Defined as the intersection of Impact and Urgency.

Incident Response:  Time measured from “Case Created” to “Case Acknowledged” by Insight

Incident Update:  Add relevant information on incident status to the incident ticket.

Incident Resolution:  Time measured from “Case Acknowledged” to “Case Resolved” OR “Case priority lowered” OR “Case moved to a Monitoring State.” Lowering case priority is defined by all of the following:

  • Service is Restored
  • Agreed by Client
  • Case remains open for root cause analysis or additional case activities

Service Requests

Service Requests are defined as minor (standard) changes that may be requested by clients in support of normal IT operations.  Service Requests may be initiated through Insights service request catalog made available through the service management portal.  Service Requests are considered low risk changes that can be carried out quickly using standard operational change processes, may include automation, and do not require advanced planning, scheduling, or change controls.  The expected time to fulfil the request varies and is specific to the type of request.  The expected delivery time will be displayed on each request item.  Request Fulfillment is offered as an inclusive service for certain tiers of offerings. 

For services requested that do not meet the criteria, Service Hours allow for a pre-paid allotment of time to cover the engineering and management resources required.

Service Request Type Example
Request for a service action Open a port on an existing firewall
Request to provision a new resource Request to add memory to a VM
Request for information Request for a backup report
Request for access New domain admin account for an engineering resource

Emergency Changes

Insight recognizes that from time to time there may be a need or request to implement an emergency change.  Emergency Changes, unless otherwise specified, are not included in the price of any standard service.  Emergency Changes may be requested for a variety of reasons and are almost always driven by client urgency because of the need for accelerated time to delivery.

 Insight offers two methods to address Emergency Changes:

Method Impact on ability to start work Emergency Change Multiplier
Pre-purchased Service Hours No Impact – Start immediately based on resource availability 1.5X Normal Rate
Hourly Rate Client must sign SoW and agree to terms prior to starting work Lower priority for resource availability 2X Normal Rate