On-demand webinar
Exploring Windows Virtual Desktop
With Insight and Microsoft
By Insight Editor / 28 Apr 2020
By Insight Editor / 28 Apr 2020
Now, more than ever, your team is vulnerable to security and collaboration risks as digital transformation accelerates at hyper speed — making desktop and app management all too overwhelming.
Be confident that your security strategy in the cloud is at its peak by leveraging Windows® Virtual Desktop. It provides reliable compliance features as well as the ability to quickly deploy desktop apps to the cloud.
Learn how you can get the best and most secure virtual desktop experience with Microsoft® tools.
Topics include:
Modern Workplace Director and Distinguished Technologist, Insight
With over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, Joe loves that technology constantly changes and provides new challenges, pushing him to learn more every day. As a leader for a vendor-agnostic organization, Joe is equipped to advise clients on the solutions that drive the best value for their business. He is a champion across many technologies and approaches knowledge-sharing not as a one-time project but as a continued mindset.
Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft
Jeff is a former Microsoft MVP in cloud and data center management. He’s a contributing author on Microsoft Public Cloud Services: Setting Up Your business in the Cloud. Jeff now works in the One Commercial Microsoft team to build partner solutions in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and data center migration.
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