Technology With Greatest Impact on Future of IT

All companies are becoming data-driven.
Although data can be difficult to navigate, IT decision-makers agree it can be instrumental in business transformation. In fact, half of survey respondents attribute Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, machine learning and deep learning to innovation efforts in the past two years.
Organizations’ increasing reliance on data is leading to smarter decisions, safer processes and better customer service. IT decision-makers expect that to continue: 44% anticipate AI and machine learning will greatly impact the future of IT.
Top Challenges with Accelerated Data Growth

Deciding where data should live
In environments increasingly influenced by data-intensive processes, IT professionals must determine where information lives, how to secure and back it up, and when and where to move it to optimize its value.
This could be why 43% rank ensuring the security of data in dispersed environments among the top three challenges they'll face in the next three to five years as they contend with accelerated data growth.
Ranking of Digital Innovation Objectives

Digital innovation is driving the future of business.
The ability to innovate digital experiences is leading to improved business outcomes. In fact, 52% of IT decision-makers attribute digital innovation with enhancing operations and business procedures. And 89% consider their innovation initiatives to date “moderately or very successful” in boosting their market or financial standing.
Concerns about security, data privacy and upfront costs associated with digital innovation continue to linger at the forefront of IT professionals’ minds. Despite that, these types of investments promise a high return on investment and should not be overlooked.

"You’d be hard pressed to find an enterprise that isn’t leaning on their IT teams to work through transformation issues."
— Stan Lequin, Vice President and General Manager, Digital Innovation, Insight
Streamlining the IT supply chain opens opportunities.
The majority of IT professionals (52%) consider the IT supply chain “very or extremely optimized.” Yet, they see room for improvement in three specific areas:
47% of IT decision-makers want to optimize their hardware lifecycles and improve e-procurement.
Respondents agree they can benefit from self-service e-commerce and software asset management tools.
Nearly half (45%) of IT professionals want greater visibility into their IT supply chain management.
Modern Technology & Attracting/Retaining Talent

84% of IT professionals agree their organizations connect the use of modern technology to attracting and retaining talent.
The modern workplace requires subscription-based models.
Today’s IT professionals are well aware employees expect the same experience at work that they have in their personal lives. A compelling 77% of survey respondents rank the significance of corporate IT resembling consumer experiences as “very or extremely important.”
Toward that end, IT decision-makers are embracing modern technology — including bundled products and services (74%), self-service and automation (42%), cloud solutions (52%) and ready-to-go devices out of the box — to attract and retain talent.

"IT modernization is foundational to successful digital transformation."
— Shawn O'Grady, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Cloud + Data Center Transformation, Insight
About the technology survey
The Insight Intelligent Technology Index, first released in 2016, is a survey conducted on behalf of Insight among a random sample of 400 IT professionals with decision-making responsibilities in the U.S. and Canada.
Fieldwork was conducted Feb. 13–26, 2019. For this research, small enterprise companies are defined as having 1,000–1,999 employees, medium enterprises as having 2,000–4,999 employees, and large enterprises as having 5,000 or more employees.
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