{ "labels":{ "characters left": "characters left", "You have already created a review for this product.": "You have already created a review for this product.", "Thank you for submitting a review.": "Thank you for submitting a review.", "Please note, it may take up to 72 hours for your review to appear on insight.com": "Please note, it may take up to 72 hours for your review to appear on insight.com", "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No", "Required": "Required", "Review title is required.": "Review title is required.", "Please enter a review title of at least 5 characters.": "Please enter a review title of at least 5 characters.", "Your review is required.": "Your review is required.", "Please enter a review of at least 10 characters.": "Please enter a review of at least 10 characters.", "Nickname is required.": "Nickname is required.", "Please enter a nickname of at least 5 characters.": "Please enter a nickname of at least 5 characters.", "This is a required selection.": "This is a required selection.", "My review": "My review", "Overall rating": "Overall rating", "(click to rate)": "(click to rate)", "Review title": "Review title", "Example: Great features": "Example: Great features", "Your review": "Your review", "Example: My team bought this a month ago and we are so happy we did…": "Example: My team bought this a month ago and we are so happy we did…", "Nickname": "Nickname", "Example: Robert23": "Example: Robert23", "Enter a nickname you like. For privacy reasons do not use your full name or email address.": "Enter a nickname you like. For privacy reasons do not use your full name or email address.", "Would you recommend this product?": "Would you recommend this product?", "Required field": "Required field", "I agree to the": "I agree to the", "terms & conditions.": "terms & conditions.", "Average customer ratings": "Average customer ratings", "Reviews": "Reviews", "Customer reviews": "Customer reviews", "Sort by:": "Sort by:", "Select a rating to filter reviews:": "Select a rating to filter reviews:", "Show less": "Show less", "Show more": "Show more", "I recommend this product.": "I recommend this product.", "I don't recommend this product.": "I don't recommend this product.", "Helpful?": "Helpful?", "Was this review helpful?": "Was this review helpful?", "Report": "Report", "Report an issue": "Report an issue", "Most recent": "Most recent", "Leave a review": "Leave a review", "You must be logged in to leave a review.": "You must be logged in to leave a review.", "Login now": "Login now", "of": "of", "Back to top": "Back to top", "No reviews yet. Be the first.": "No reviews yet. Be the first.", "Submit": "Submit", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Oldest": "Oldest", "Most helpful": "Most helpful", "Least helpful": "Least helpful", "Most favorable": "Most favorable", "Least favorable": "Least favorable" } }